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American Heart Month

Happy Valentines Day!

February is American Heart Month. Something I have been wanting to share because I'm still waiting for tests, etc. but a few years ago I was given a possible diagnosis of having bicuspid aortic valve disease. On top of that I am also at risk for atherosclerosis - it's a double whammy for me though because a somewhat recent study showed that people with achondroplasia between the ages of 25-35 have heart disease related mortality 10 times greater than the general population! Plus atherosclerosis runs in my dad's family.

Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease is when the valve has only two leaflets. With this deformity, the valve doesn’t function perfectly, but it may function adequately for years without causing symptoms or obvious signs of a problem.

Atherosclerosis is the build-up of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and on the artery walls.

Until further testing I have recently been on a plant based diet - which has been so difficult for me! I have seen so many vegan recipes on Pinterest that I am looking forward to trying - please feel free to share with me your fave recipes, etc!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentines Day with their loved ones! 💕

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