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Dwarfism Awareness Month - Sabina's Story

For Dwarfism Awareness Month I am sharing the experiences of others with dwarfism who have lengthened, are lengthening, or plan on it. Limb lengthening has made such a difference in our lives. We all have completely different experiences with it since the technique has changed (and still is) so much over the years. Not to mention there are many different types of dwarfism and the process can be different for someone with diastrophic dysplasia vs. someone with achondroplasia.

This is Sabina's story –

I started lengthening when I was 15! I was 42" tall. Before lengthening I had 12 surgeries(not related) and after lengthening I had a total of 20 surgeries so 8 were for lengthening and after lengthening corrections. I gained 3" in my arms and almost 3" in my legs. I'm now 18 years old and 45.4" tall.

I had the lengthening done at Hasbro Children's Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island. I'm not sure I'd do it again, but I'm definitely thinking about it. I never had internal fixators only external.

The hardest part emotionally was being bed bound and constantly being in pain. The hardest part physically is definitely recuperating and getting back on your feet.

I am not the only person in my family who has dwarfism, my little brother who is 13 years younger than I am also has dwarfism. We both have diastrophic dysplasia.

I chose limb lengthening as an opportunity to better my life's function and to be more independent. It has helped me tremendously after lengthening my arms because I can get dressed and brush my hair on my own. As well as put on my own shoes and tie them. These are little things to other people but have a huge impact on my life and I couldn't be happier!! It has made me a stronger person overall!! 😄

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